Palestinians Complain Their Textbooks Aren't Anti-Israel Enough

Posted: 9/6/2016 6:51:00 PM
Author: Elder of Ziyon
Source: This article first appeared in thew Elder of Ziyon website on Sept. 5, 2016.

Palestinians Complain Their Textbooks Aren’t Anti-Israel Enough
by Elder of Ziyon

There was a wave of complaints by educators and parents about the newest official Palestinian Authority textbooks, according to Palestine Today.

Some of the complaints were about basic errors — such as mixing up Bethlehem and Gaza City on a map.

But other issues were more political.

For example, the book had lots of (presumably geography) questions about Ramallah, and the critics are upset that the book wasn’t asking about Jerusalem instead, saying that the book implied that Ramallah is the capital of Palestine.

Another complaint was about how the book translated Tel Aviv literally into Arabic as Tel al-Rabi (Spring Hill), instead of referring to the fictional Jaffa neighborhoods that Tel Aviv was supposedly built on top of.